All Terra Thread products are made with Fairtrade certified organic cotton. This natural and biodegradable fiber is the better alternative to the harmful synthetic fibers that dominate the fast fashion industry.

What you should know about the Cotton Industry
Cotton is everywhere. You can find products made with cotton in several everyday goods - your clothes, bedsheets, furniture, and much more. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),
“Cotton is one of the most important textile fibers in the world, averaging about 25 percent of total world fiber use.”
According to Fairtrade International, around 100 million rural households are engaged in cotton production in more than 75 countries around the globe. In the hopes of increasing yields and income, farmers often turn to Genetically Modified Seeds (GMOs). In reality, “they are tied into buying expensive seeds and pesticides each year from multinational companies amid concerns that yields actually decline after initial gains.” This is not the only problem associated with conventionally grown cotton. In fact, the United States Department of Labor reported that child and forced labor in cotton production is prevalent in at least 17 countries.

Through our partnership with Fairtrade, we are able to work directly with organic farmers from small cooperatives in India.
“There’s a lot of cotton out there, but when you opt for Fairtrade cotton goods you are empowering small-scale farmers and pushing the industry to become sustainable.”

Fairtrade Minimum Price
The Fairtrade Minimum Price is the minimum that producers are paid when selling their products through Fairtrade. This covers the average costs of sustainably producing their goods and acts as a safety net when market prices drop. Producers can get the market price when this is higher and can always negotiate for more.
Fairtrade Premium
The Fairtrade Premium is an extra sum of money in addition to the selling price that farmers or workers receive to invest in their communities. Representatives elected by locals decide how to spend theFairtrade Premium. These investments include projects like improving their farming, businesses, or health and education in the community.