6 Ways to Support  Plastic-Free July

Plastic Free July

In today's world, it seems almost every day is a day for something… Hug a Friend Day, National Pizza Day, and Talk Like a Pirate Day. What about days that support people and the planet? Surely, we have all heard of Earth Day, celebrated every April 22nd, and of course Arbor Day, the last Friday of April in the US, and last week, July 3rd, was International Plastic Bag Free Day. But isn't our environment important enough to warrant an entire month? Yes, it does, and it's July.

Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages millions of people to reduce their plastic consumption. It started as a local initiative in Western Australia and has grown into a worldwide campaign aimed at reducing single-use plastics and promoting sustainable living. Never heard of Plastic Free July? Let's take a quick look at the origins and history of Plastic Free July and explore ways that we can support this effort.

Plastic Free July began in 2011, initiated by the Western Metropolitan Regional Council (WMRC) in Perth, Western Australia. The campaign was introduced and lead by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, a waste management expert, and a small, dedicated team who wanted to raise awareness about the environmental impact of single-use plastics. The idea was a simple one, to challenge people to avoid single-use plastics for the entire month of July.

Plastic Free July quickly gained attention and support, with participation growing each year. By 2013, Plastic Free July had become an independent, not-for-profit organization. In this very short period of time, the campaign's reach extended far beyond Down Under, capturing the attention of environmentally friendly individuals and organizations worldwide.

The campaign's success is simple- it is relatable and has easily achievable goals. Instead of demanding drastic lifestyle changes, Plastic Free July encourages small, manageable steps. Participants are urged to avoid single-use plastics such as straws, plastic shopping bags, bottles, and packaging, promoting awareness and suggesting more sustainable goals.

Today, Plastic Free July is a global movement with millions of participants in over 170 countries. The campaign has grown to include resources, tools, and educational materials that help individuals, schools, businesses, and communities reduce plastic consumption. Plastic Free July's website offers a wealth of information, including tips, success stories, and a comprehensive challenge toolkit.

things to do during plastic free july

Here are 6 way you can support Plastic Free July

Supporting Plastic Free July doesn't require any painful lifestyle overhaul. Here are some easy, practical ways to do your part: 

  1. Refuse Single-Use Plastics: Single use plastics are everywhere, so refusing them is a great way to start the plastic-free month. Start by refusing single-use plastics like straws, plastic bags, plastic utensils, and bottled water. Instead, carry reusable alternatives such as bamboo, paper, and stainless steel straws, organic cotton tote bags, and refillable water bottles, made of stainless steel or glass.
  2. Opt for Reusables: Replace disposable items with reusable options. Use a reusable coffee cup, bring your own container for takeout food, and purchase more durable products like beeswax wraps instead of plastic wrap or Ziploc type bags.
  3. Buy in Bulk: Purchasing items in bulk could be a great way to minimize packaging waste. Ever wonder why the healthy store chains carry so many bulk food items, like nuts, flour, and dried fruits? This is why. Bring your own muslin drawstring bags to bulk food stores and farmers' markets to buy fresh produce without plastic packaging.
  4. Support Plastic-Free Brands: Choose products from companies that prioritize the environment and use minimal or no plastic in their packaging- polybags, packing peanuts and plastic packing pillows that come with your order end up in the landfill. Online retail giant Amazon recently announced that it is 95% of the way toward eliminating plastic air pillows in packaging (with plans to do away with them completely by the end of the year). Not long before that, Google shared that it was on target to have plastic-free packaging by 2025. At Terra Thread, we ship our orders plastic-free and without unnecessary packaging.
  5. Participate in Cleanups: Join or organize community cleanups to remove plastic waste from natural areas, like beaches and parks. This helps reduce waste pollution and raises awareness about the importance of proper waste management.
  6. Make Small, Eco-Friendly Swaps: Using and reusing the products you already have and prolonging their life can be the most sustainable thing. When you are in need of something new, replace plastic items in your home with sustainable alternatives. For example, switch to bamboo toothbrushes, reusable coffee pods, loose-leaf tea, metal razors, and reusable shopping bags, and opt for glass or other eco-friendly food storage containers, ditching the Styrofoam and plastic microwaveable containers.

Plastic Free July is more than just a campaign; it's a call to action for a more sustainable future for generations to come. By taking a few small steps to reduce our plastic consumption, individuals can make a giant impact on the environment. The movement's success lies in its simplicity and accessibility, empowering people worldwide to contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet. Every little bit helps, and you get a lot of feel-good points by doing your small part! Let's make a difference, one plastic-free step at a time.

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Terra Thread backpacks, bags, and accessories are created for conscious consumers, corporations, and NGOs who are looking to make a positive impact on the world with their purchases. Terra Thread puts people and the planet first, every step of the way from organic farms to your arms.