5 Green Activities to do this Weekend

Green Activities to do this Weekend

It brews a special feeling of gratification when you're in action that flexes in amity with the environment. While you dedicate your weekend to making a difference with green conduct, in return, it gives you the chance to experience the bliss of nature.

Planting trees, hiking, herb garden, waste-free campouts, and plastic scavenger hunts make up our list. Explore the pristine wilderness, redefine the meaning of fresh, raise plastic waste awareness, or plant legacies this weekend! 

  1. Plant trees
  2. Zero waste campouts
  3. Start a indoor herb garden
  4. Hiking
  5. Recycling Scavenger Hunt

Let's take a close look at these activities:

  • Plant Trees

Climate change is getting worse, and our ecosystems are coming to a breaking point. We need to start taking steps to save our beautiful planet. And, tree planting is a chance to make our surroundings greener and healthier. A pro bono initiative that allows us to give back to the community and the environment. Trees are great blessings, providing us with a plethora of advantages that are essential for our survival. They filter the air to help us breathe cleaner oxygen, decelerate torrential downpours during a storm, lower flooding risks, offer shade during summer, and keep our surroundings cool. So, if you're wondering how you'd like to spend the lazy weekend afternoons, you have your answer— slap on some sunscreen and go plant a tree. If you see your neighbor or a friend roaming about with nothing to do, invite them to join you too. A tree-planting activity is a great way for the community to demonstrate that we need a greener planet. It's a social activity that brings people together to make the world a better place. 

  • Zero-Waste Campouts 

Waking up to the feeling of serenity, surrounded by nature's raw beauty— that's the beauty of camping outdoors. If like us, you love the idea of spending the weekend doing a campout, make it zero-waste. This means readying camping essentials and gears that favor the environment. Single-use cutlery and plastic bottles give outdoor adventure a wasteful reputation. Let's change that by packing reusable items such as stainless steel or wooden spoons and forks, bottles, containers, etc., in a sustainable backpack (obviously). This would make things easier to carry while fulfilling the green efforts all the way. Camping can be a remarkable experience, a calming escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life— we can make it even better by avoiding unnecessary littering. 

sustainable backpack

  • Indoor herb garden

Buying herbs from the grocery store leaves you with plastic waste later. Starting a little herb garden helps prevent that— herbs are not only great indoor plants but planting and tending to them can also be a relaxing way to spend your weekend. Basil, chives, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and thyme are some herbs that don't require much fuss to grow. You can start by picking the seeds or simply taking a branch from older plants and soak them in water until new roots sprout. You may also find it easier and faster to start by buying the seedlings from a garden shop. Instead of throwing away old containers or mason jars, use them as pots for your herbs for zero-waste gardening. Choose a sunny spot to expose your herbs for at least six hours a day. You will be spending your leisure time doing something sustainable. 

home garden

  • Hiking 

Another great outdoor activity for the weekend is hiking-- green hiking, to be specific. It helps you appreciate the environment and also makes you feel liberated. Nature may be waiting for us to explore it, but it is also important that we leave it behind just as we found it. And that is why the world requires more sustainable hikers! You can also be a part of it. As responsible adventurers, you may want to start by carrying an organic cotton backpack if you don't already have a backpack made with natural fiber. Mini small backpacks also make up for a great hike companion. These bags are as sustainable and ethical as they are durable. You can also pack other eco-friendly items like stainless steel bottles or paper bottles, organic cotton lunch bags, reusable cutleries, and so on. While you're hiking, make sure to wear comfortable and soft organic cotton t-shirts.

  • Recycling scavenger hunt

Hanging out with friends and playing games that contribute to the greater good sounds like a perfect weekend to us—cleaning up the environment while also having a blast. A plastic scavenger hunt is an excellent way to recycle waste and dispose of it. Make a list of the plastic litter each of you has to find and add prize wins for whoever collects the most in the shortest time. You can make this a recurrent activity to inspire the entire community, not just the weekend. 

Final Thoughts

Hearing the birds sing, walking on grass barefoot, or even simply seeing leaves fall off a branch— these sights and feelings subconsciously allow us to reflect on our lives and our inner emotions. Reuniting with nature by doing activities that get you closer to the raw serenity of the natural order helps us become better as humans, wanting to give back and do good by our planet's side for all its bountiful offerings. 

How is your weekend looking? Decide on a fun, green activity, if you haven't already!

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